
The Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics (IMBG) at Seoul National University (SNU) was established in July 1985. Since then, we have been leading our nation’s biological research and cultivating leading research individuals at the same time. The newly built research building was opened in 1991, along with 8 professors and the most advanced research facilities and equipments. In 2002, Biotechnology Incubation Center was completed and became the one that supports and fosters venture businesses in biotechnology. In 2014, west pavilion was added and made the laboratory in total of 6,500 square meters.


Current members of the IMBG were newly composed in 2007 and they are now managing 8 laboratories. In addition, some 50 professors from all areas of bioscience in SNU such as School of Biological Sciences, Medical School, College of Pharmacy, College of Engineering, and Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology are associated with the IMBG. Members and associate members are carrying out various projects through joint research. Currently, 12 companies are also carrying out their R&D in Biotechnology Incubation Center of the Institute.


Apart from professors, there are 5 research professors, 15 post-doctoral researchers, about 20 research staffs and roughly 70 graduate students are conducting research at the IMBG. Moreover, to specialize the aim of the institution we are running Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Genetic Engineering where 26 master/doctoral students are involved. With contributions from all our staffs, we have won the best research institution awards in Seoul National University for the past few years.


The main research areas of our professors include not only the fundamental biological science areas such as molecular biology, cell biology, genetics, immunology, plant physiology and bioinformatics, but also broadly covers research areas including medical science and applied biological engineering. Professors specialized in their areas have been producing outstanding performances, and we have been pursuing and vitalizing joint research to maximize the advantage of multidisciplinary research institution.


As results of the continued broad research on genome, we are now living in a ‘post-genome’ era where a break-through in biological science is expected. Research on genome suggests a new paradigm in the field of bioscience such as analysis of interaction and functional networks of genes, high efficiency research with automation, and analysis on the use of massive data. These changes stimulate scientists to pioneer new fields of research and they consistently offer opportunities for it. We have already recognized this trend and focused our scope on substantive research in genomics, proteomic and cellulomics based on genes/proteins, cells/tissues and organisms. Researchers in the IMBG have been continuously funded by the government and have been performing excellent and efficient work. We are absorbed in research with challenge sprit and pride to lead the research on bioscience and to make a collaborative research environment in the nation as well as in SNU. We would appreciate your continuous help and support. Thank you.

2021년 4월 1일
서울대학교 유전공학연구소장 정 종 경